



次世代を担う多くのネパールの若者に今必要な支援と教育を与えることで将来への道筋を示し、自国の真の発展の為に行動できる人材を育成していこうと精力的に活動する「ライオンズクラブ カトマンズ ス クンダ」は現在カトマンズの若手経営者を中心メンバーとし様々なボランティアプロジェクトを推進しております。

Shows the path to the future by giving the education and support needed now to young people of Nepal many of the next generation, to work vigorously and let to develop human resources who can act for the development of the country "Lions Club Kathmandu Sukunda "we are promoting the volunteer various projects around the young managers of Kathmandu. In collaboration with this club, we are the activities cleaning work,hygiene instruction, school supplies distribution, school feeding, and distribution of old clothes in the center (and vicinity) Kagachi village in the Kathmandu suburbs mainly.
Also,we continuously donate 3% of the proceeds from "Himalayan Ruby Salt" as working capital expenses cooperation of the "Kagachi village health care center" that the clinics was built for the first time in Kagachi village with the cooperation of the "Association of Miyagi international support" in 2003.
The activities are implemented in response to the warm support of everyone business partners of our company will continue to cooperate as fully as possible, several times a year, such as dispatched working employees with a full volunteer. To deepen the contents of the activity in the future, we will continue to realize the wishes of everyone having you support.