


「ルビーソルト」は私たち現代人の時間感覚では到底理解できない、気の遠くなるような長い時間の地球の活動によってできたものです。まさに、約3億年前の地球の宝物、大自然が人類に恵んでくれた貴重な贈り物と言えます。「ルビーソルト」は、ヒマラヤ山脈の海抜4,000メートル地帯の地中100メートル付近から採掘されます。褶曲した山脈が激しい風化侵食作用の結果、深部を露呈し、変成した結晶や貫入した花崗岩等の露出がネパール山間部に多く見られます。まだ海洋が汚染されていない太古の、純粋で豊富なミネラルを含んだ海水で出来たこの天然岩塩は、みごとな赤色をしており、弊社は「ルビーソルト」と命名し、商標登録を取得しました。(特許庁 商標登録 第4824519号)

"Ruby Salt" is the great gift from the earth. For 300 million years, which has never been experienced such a long time by human being, "Ruby Salt" has been formed by the activities of the earth. "Ruby Salt" is mined from 100 meters underground about the area of 4000 meter sea levels of the Himalayans. As a result of having undergone weathering and erosion of the folded mountains such a long time, a deep part of the earth were exposed, such exposures of a crystal of metamorphic rock and an intrusive granite has been seen around the Nepal mountainous area. Natural rock salt made from ancient seawater that contains rich and pure minerals never contaminated, colored beautiful noble crystal red, we named it "Ruby Salt" and we obtained the registration of trade mark.
Ruby Salt which contains 13 kinds of important natural minerals in ruby rock salt, is used as a medicine for natural therapy at the field. Ruby Salt contains essential minerals such as iron and copper and zinc which made our bodies wellbeing that improve antioxidant activities and anti-aging activities of our polluted bodies.



Using Ruby Salt for meat dish, bringing out the natural flavors of the meat itself without any seasonings, heating reduces the strong characteristic of sulfur ingredient, and its taste makes softened and mild remarkably. Because of the strong effect of reduction and antioxidant activities, many people who know about it love this as a mineral supplement.



Using Ruby Salt as bath salts, Ruby Salt heals your damaged body from such ultraviolet rays that are known as "oxidation skin" to be one of the cause of aging using its effective feature of the oxidation-reduction. Just a 15 minutes' bath taking promotes your blood circulation better warming your body from core inside. So this is good for keeping your body warm better and good for diet and improving poor circulation better.




In addition, the repeat rate is higher in products using our Ruby Salt, there is a "Ruby soap" as an item that is very popular among women. Ruby soap is excellent in foaming, can be skin care while washing the face and double face-wash, it is one. The soap is made ??with handmade manufacturing method that has been done for a long time and wash safe and soft for skin. Rubysalt that are incorporated into the soap, activates the skin regenerative power.
